“Keep Moving Forward””
John Messina
I am very excited to become MNYCA’s newest President and I look forward to building upon the journey started back in 1887 when the organization was founded. I feel it’s important to preserve and implement the core goals of the Association and support our members and the industry. I also feel it’s equally as important to ensure that we continue to build and grow as an Association and be open to new ideas.
I value the sense of community that we have within the MNYCA. I urge members to be active participants because this is vital in keeping the Association healthy. We have numerous events throughout the year that afford great networking and learning opportunities as well as a bit of fun. Take part and contribute to help advance our mission and ensure our success. Doing so benefits everyone!
I look forward to working with everyone in the coming year. I encourage and welcome members to share their thoughts and ideas, so do not hesitate to reach out to me. Together we can write MNYCA’s next great chapter!